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Revised February 26, 2017, Vice President - Dustin Speth, President –Mike Flowers

 LCFCA Mission Statement

To promote a positive environment in competitive youth football and cheerleading, fostering character, athleticism, teamwork and sportsmanship.

I. Membership

The membership of the Lake Cities Football and Cheer Association (LCFCA) shall include all football player and cheerleader participants, parents or guardians of participants, and volunteers. It is the intent of LCFCA to maintain an open association that welcomes participation from all who wish to be members.

II. Subjugation

The Association will be subject to these bylaws.

III. Financial

This Association, being non-profit, shall remain self-supportive. All excess funds shall remain in the Association treasury for use during the following year. Any decisions surrounding the finances and future investments of the LCFCA will be voted on by the Board of Directors.

IV. Board of Directors
A. Board of Directors Members

The Board of Directors for this Association shall consist of the following positions:

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Coaches, Director of Cheerleading, Assistant Director of Cheerleading, Director of Fields, Director of Equipment, Assistant Director of Equipment, Webmaster, Director of Fundraising/Sponsorship, Director of Concessions, Assistant Director of Concessions, Team Parent Coordinator, Assistant Team Parent Coordinator, Commissioners per grade, Members-at-Large.

Members must be at least 18 years and complete a background check.


With the exception of the President and Secretary, Board members are to serve two- year terms, with the last full day of service being the Saturday preceding the second Sunday of January.  New members shall be considered for board positions after completing an online application, in-person interview with the Board and passing the background check.  Applicants will be voted in after receiving a majority vote of current Board members.

Soon to be vacated positions will be posted on the official LCFCA website as soon as practical, but no later than the 1st of October.

C. Terms of Office

The office of President shall be filled by a current member of the Board in good standing for a term of four (4) years as voted in by the current Board beginning in January. This shall commence the first January following ratification and thereafter.

At the expiration of said term, any member of the current Board may request for vote the current President be reconfirmed or replaced. Such request for vote must be brought before the Board in the November regular meeting prior to the term expiration. In the absence of such request, the current President will continue to serve another full term so long as s/he is able and willing and there is no actionable cause against her/him.

The office of Secretary shall be filled by a current member of the Board in good standing for a term of four (4) years as voted in by the current Board beginning in January. The term shall commence the first January following ratification and thereafter.

At the expiration of said term, any member of the current Board may request for vote the current Secretary be reconfirmed or replaced. Such request for vote must be brought before the Board in the November regular meeting prior to the term expiration. In the absence of such request, the current Secretary will continue to serve another full term so long as s/he is able and willing and there is no actionable cause against her/him.

All other elected Board members shall serve a term of office of two years, commencing on the 2nd Sunday of January following their approval by the board and ending on the Saturday preceding the 2nd Sunday of January of the end of the second year. Board positions may be vacated by the written resignation submitted to the president and accepted by the board at the next regular meeting.

Note: At any time during service, Board member(s) (Elected, Incumbent, Appointed or any designation), at the discretion and combined request of the President and Secretary (unless the member(s) in question is/are the President and/or Secretary, in which case the requesting group could include the Vice President and Director(s) of Coaches), may be required to submit to at least a 5-panel drug screen covering cocaine, opiates, marijuana, PCP, and methamphetamines. If a 10 panel screen is performed the following will be screened for: those contained in the 5-panel as well as barbiturates, benzodiazepine, propoxphene, methadone, and methaqualone.

Results will be sent directly to the President or designee and be kept confidential.

In the event of a failed drug screen, the tested member will be informed immediately by the President or designee, and membership to the Board will be immediately revoked.

The President or designee shall also inform the member that he/she may repeat the drug screen at the same laboratory at his/her cost. Failure to notify does not constitute automatic successful appeal.

Duties for the revoked member will be moved to an existing Board member(s) until such time that a suitable replacement be instated under the rules of Section IV Subsection E. A Board member having their membership revoked due to a failed drug screen shall not be considered for reinstatement to the Board for a period of three (3) years. Upon reinstatement must submit to a drug screen.

Appeal: The Board member removed due to a failed drug screen may appeal by submitting to a repeat drug screen within 24-hours at his/her cost. Results must be sent directly to the President. Results not sent directly to the President shall be considered invalid.

Upon negative retake drug screen results received by the President, the member will be fully reinstated.

D. Board Member Duties

The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and, with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors, shall conduct the affairs of the association. S/he shall preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors. S/he shall be responsible for working with the designated liaison from the Parks and Recreation Department, schools, and other NTFA league members. S/he shall be responsible for providing game officials for all games. S/he shall direct the payment of all said officials. S/he shall oversee a check of all players' birth certificates prior to the first game of each season. S/he shall be responsible for and make necessary decisions on all matters relating to scheduling of games, both regular season and play- offs. S/he shall conduct periodic checks on the conduct of teams, players, and officials. S/he shall perform all such other acts as may be deemed necessary for the furtherance of the business of the Association or which the Board of Directors may direct. Once elected, the President cannot serve as a Board of Director of the LCFCA concurrently. The President shall have general charge of the business of the Association and make, execute and acknowledge for and on behalf of the Association, any and all deeds, mortgages, leases, releases of mortgages, and any and all instruments which may be necessary in the acquisition or disposition of any property or rights of the Association or in conducting the business of this Association. The President will directly oversee activities of all board members and volunteers, assist the Director of Publicity as the Association liaison to the community and mediate disputes among members and with other organizations. The President will have final say on all head coaching and assistant coaching positions. The President shall have the discretion to waive any charges or fees of the association. The President will have the tie-breaking vote on any issue. Candidates for the President position must have served on the Board in some other position for at least one term.

The Vice President shall work with the President and shall help with the charge of the business of the Association, and perform duties as assigned by the President. The Vice President shall preside over all meetings with the President. The Vice President shall oversee the completion of background checks of all coach candidates and board members, and assist the President in representing the Association in the community. The Vice President shall be responsible for maintaining and keeping current Bylaws and ensure the Secretary has the most current version for long-term storage.

The Secretary shall maintain minutes of all Board and Association meetings; issue all notices to the members; be responsible for the custody of the bylaws; conduct correspondence; ensure the league files and maintains all federal, state and other documentation related to non-profit status (in coordination with the Treasurer) or other designations or needs; be the keeper of all records and registration information, Board positions/election history, contact lists, survey results, etc.; and perform other duties as assigned by the President/Vice President. Candidates for the Secretary position must have served on the Board in some other position for at least one term.

The Treasurer shall develop and administer the financial policy of the Association and shall be responsible for the control of the funds of the Association, for their proper disbursement, and for the investment of funds as directed by the President. The Treasurer shall oversee both the regular league account as well as manage the Travis Duffy scholarship account, including awarding the scholarship(s) as directed by the President and Director of Fundraising/Sponsorship. The Treasurer shall render a statement of the accounts of the LCFCA whenever required by the board and will be responsible for the filing of an annual information return to the Internal Revenue Service. The Treasurer will be responsible for submitting all information to the State of Texas to ensure the league’s active/good standing. At the end of the term of office, all books, records, funds, papers, documents and all other property of the Association having to do with the financial or other transactions of the Association which may have come into the Treasurer’s possession or may have been compiled or created during the term of office must be turned over to the successor.

The Director of Coaches shall oversee the coach selection process and administer the coaching “point system” in accordance with LCFCA rules. The Director of Coaches will be responsible for gathering all background check documentation for all head coaches and assistant coaches and ensuring all coaches are USA Football certified prior to the start of the season. S/he will be the primary point of contact for all coach communication; ensure timely responses to coach questions/concerns; ensure proper coach conduct during the course of executing their coaching responsibilities and advise the board on any incidents that occur with coaches during the season.

The Director of Cheerleading shall coordinate cheer activities, oversee the Cheerleading draft following all LCFCA rules, and act as liaison between parents, players, coaches and the Board. S/he shall oversee all cheerleading issues within the LCFCA; be responsible for gathering all background check documentation for all head and assistant cheer coaches prior to the start of the season. S/he will report on cheerleading issues at the monthly association meetings. All cheerleading issues will be made final at association meetings. Any Cheer complaints will be heard at committee meetings & presented to the Association Board with a possible solution.

The Director of Equipment shall develop a plan for acquisition of equipment and uniforms, secure timely and appropriate maintenance of equipment and medical kits; oversee and coordinate distribution and collection of equipment; supervise storage and inventory of equipment; and coordinate activities with the Director of Coaches and Team Parent Coordinator.

The Director of Fields shall check and prepare fields for home games; set out field markers, cones, portable clock and arrange for the game timekeeper; schedule and supervise volunteer chain gangs for home games; and arrange for cleanup crews to stow equipment and police the field after the last home game of the day. The Equipment/Field Manager will coordinate with the Team Parent Coordinator of each home team to identify volunteers for these tasks. Will also assist with arranging for practice locations as necessary.

The Director of Fundraising/Sponsorship shall be concerned with developing and implementing all programs related to building funds for the operation of the Association and support of community, including: Finding and maintaining the health of the League’s relationship with sponsors (for the teams, the raffle or other fundraising activities or events or the league in general) which may include ensuring sponsors receive plaques or other team memorabilia; the development of the Travis Duffey college scholarship form and application process as well as the related LCFCA football and cheerleading participant seasonal scholarship form and decision process. Together with the Treasurer, s/he will submit a fund raising plan, designed to meet Association fund requirements for the coming year, to the board by May 1st for review and approval.

The Director of Concessions shall order and stock product and supplies; oversee the upkeep and transportation of any equipment to/from all LCFCA events where required; ensure concessions-related licensing or approvals are acquired as needed; coordinate and supervise volunteer staff for LCFCA-managed concessions & gate sales; and handle all funds securely, making timely deposits with proper documentation to the Treasurer.

The Team Parent Coordinator shall secure team parents for all teams; lead the process to determine the duties of team parents; train team parents systematically; and serve as a central point of communication for team parents.

The Webmaster shall maintain the LCFCA web site and perform duties as assigned by the President/Vice President to update the web site including the weekly game results in a timely manner. The Webmaster position is also responsible for planning, communicating and implementing any changes (if needed) with website vendors such as the host, credit card processor, etc. They are also the point of communication with the website hosting company and should provide/has provided online registration reports to the president and treasurer.

The Commissioners shall attend each game in their assigned age group. The Commissioner is responsible for ensuring the parents and coaches are acting responsibly and acts as the LCFCA representative. The Commissioner may from time to time have to respond to disputes between parents and/or coaches during the game.

The Assistant Director of Coaching shall assist the Director of Coaches in the discharge of duties and perform other duties as assigned to him/her by the President or Director of Coaches.

The Assistant Director of Cheerleading shall assist the Director of Cheerleading in the discharge of duties and perform other duties as assigned to her/him by the President or Director of Cheerleading.

The Assistant Team Parent Coordinator shall assist the Team Parent Coordinator in the discharge of duties and perform other duties as assigned to her/him by the President or Team Parent Coordinator.

The Assistant Director of Concessions shall assist the Director of Concessions in the discharge of duties and perform other duties as assigned to her/him by the President or Director of Concessions.

The Members-at-Large shall perform duties as assigned to him/her by the President or other directors as needed.

E. Vacancies

Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors and any directorship to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of Directors, as decided by the Board, shall be filled by a current member of the Board until a regular election occurs. If any member, or combination of members, are unable to fulfill the vacancy, the Board, may by affirmative vote of a simple majority (51%) appoint a replacement until the first regular election.

A member appointed by the Board, or elected at the first regular election to fill a vacancy, shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term of their predecessor in office.

If the office of the President becomes vacant, the position of interim President shall be filled by the next officer in succession following the order named under Board of Directors. The interim president shall conduct the election of a new president. Presidential candidate shall be chosen from the current Board of members with at least one (1) year on the current Board.

F. Removal

Grievance Process:

Any member of the board may request to remove a member by taking the following steps:

1. The member must file a signed grievance letter, naming the officer(s) involved in the grievance and describing the reasons for removal. This letter will be submitted to the President and the person(s) subject to removal.

2. The President will call a meeting of the affected parties and the Secretary to mediate reconciliation.

3. If the mediation process fails, the President will call a special meeting within ten (10) days. Both sides of the grievance will be heard by the Board. The President formally inquires if the grieved party if s/he wishes to withdraw the grievance prior to the Board casting vote.

Termination of membership to the Board requires an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all the members of the Board.

There will be no double jeopardy. No member may be reviewed for removal twice for the same incident.

Any officer or director elected or appointed by the Board may be removed by the Board of Directors whenever in its judgment the best interest of the Association would be

served thereby.

Reinstatement of removed Board member is subject to the terms of Section G and a mandatory probation period subject to the terms in Section H will be in place.

Alcohol Use: LCFCA places a restriction on alcohol use within two-hundred (200) feet of any LCFCA activity where a standing prohibition does not exist.

Any coach and/or assistant coach is prohibited from alcohol use immediately prior to, and/or in the presence of any LCFCA participant during any LCFCA activity.

Gatherings outside of LCFCA activities but that involve, or is intended to involve all participants of a LCFCA team alcohol consumption is to be kept reasonable so as not to have any negative affect or perception by other LCFCA participants and/or parents. (We are all representatives of LCFCA even when not performing LCFCA duties and gatherings of teammates should be kept respectful and responsible).

Any officer or director elected or appointed by the Board is expected to perform his/her job duties. Any member of the Board who fails to perform their job duties shall constitute automatic resignation from membership on the Board. This is not a voluntary resignation, but an automatic termination and shall be governed by the reinstatement rules in Section IV Subsection G as well as a mandatory one (1) year waiting period and mandatory probation period as governed by Section IV Subsection H.

Members terminated from the Board by grievance shall wait a period of one (1) year before being eligible to return to the Board by either general election or reinstatement, if the original position remains vacant. If, after said one (1) year, the original position is being filled by a current Board member holding another position, the Board of Directors may follow the reinstatement procedure below.

G. Reinstatement

Upon request by a former Board member eligible for reinstatement for a vacancy not replaced by general election, the Board of Directors may, by affirmative vote of two- thirds (2/3) of the members of the board, reinstate such former member on such terms as the Board may deem appropriate.

H. Probation

The Board of Directors may include a probation period of ninety (90) days with clear expectations such as attendance requirement, job duty requirement, etc., as long as such requirements are by affirmative vote of simple majority of the present board members and clearly communicated to the reinstated board member.

During the probation period, the probated Board member will have all voting rights suspended.

Any actions contrary to the terms of probation will be cause for automatic termination

of Board membership as determined by a consensus of the President, Vice President, and Secretary.

If any of the President, Vice President, or Secretary are the subject of said probation, a Director chosen by the pick out of a hat, will be the replacement voting member.

V. Association Meetings

A. Board Meetings

Each board member will have only one vote regardless of number of positions held on the board. Board members are expected to attend all meetings for the scheduled duration of the meeting. Attendance will be recorded in the minutes as present or absent.

B. Quorum

The members holding one-half (1/2) of the votes entitled to be cast, and present, in person, at any properly called regular meeting shall constitute a quorum at such meeting. If a quorum is not present at the start of any regular meeting of members, a majority of the members present may adjourn the meeting.

The members holding a vote to be cast, and present, in person, at any properly called special meeting, shall constitute a quorum at such meeting.

C. Regular Meetings

All regular meetings will occur on the second (2nd) Sunday of every month at 1:30pm, unless otherwise directed. Meeting notices will be provided via a “blast” email to all registered participants in January as well as published on the website calendar to include updated times and locations.

Every regular meeting shall allow a time period for community feedback within the first thirty (30) minutes of each regular meeting. Each community member present will have up to three (3) minutes of time to express their concern, not to exceed a total of fifteen (15) minutes.

During this time, no Board member will be allowed to respond with other than factual comments. No Board member opinions shall be expressed during the community feedback period.

The first January meeting of the New Year shall not have any items on the agenda that require a Board vote other than internal board elections as laid forth in Section IV Subsection C. Items that require a Board vote from the previous year, will be discussed in the January meeting as old business so new members may be acquainted with existing topics. The first January meeting will include a review of meeting procedures and the Bylaws, including sufficient time spent on each role’s responsibilities and the expectations of Board members.

D. Special Meetings

Special meetings of the members may be called by the President, or any three (3) Directors. The person or persons authorized to call special meetings of the Board may fix any place, within the jurisdiction of LCFCA as the place for holding any special meetings of the Board called by them.

Special meetings will not provide for a public forum, nor are special meetings open to public attendance and/or commentary.

E. Rules of Procedure

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the bylaws or other rules of the organization.

F. Agenda Items

The tabling of agenda items requires a simple-majority vote of the members present. Any member may motion to table any agenda item. Any agenda item may not be tabled more than once and must be discussed and/or acted upon in the next regular meeting.

G. Voting

Board members, regardless of the number of positions held, are allowed to cast only a single vote.

Members-at-large are, for voting purposes, considered voting members and are entitled to the same voting rights as Directors and other Board members.

Remote or electronic voting by email or other digital means may be allowed.

H. Proxies

Voting by proxy shall not be permitted. A member must be in good standing to cast their vote in-person or via electronic vote.

I. Special Cases

If, during a vote it is determined that further narrowing of outcomes is needed, only those that voted for a particular outcome may cast a vote to further narrow the outcomes to determine the result.

J. Attendance and Participation

Failure of any Board member to attend three (3) consecutive or 3/4th of regular meetings in a given twelve- (12) month period shall constitute automatic resignation from membership on the Board. This is not a voluntary resignation, but an automatic termination and shall be governed by the reinstatement rules of Board termination.


Failure of any Board member to attend and participate in more than seventy-five (75%) percent of LCFCA activities, as recorded and tracked by the Secretary or appointed designee, including regular and special meetings, fund raisers, work days, etc., shall result in a ninety- (90) day probation.

The termination candidate has the right to appeal in cases of extenuating circumstances. The President shall call a special meeting of the Vice President and Secretary to hear the Board member’s appeal. Once the appeal is heard, the President, Vice President, and Secretary will decide whether the termination shall be rescinded, The President, Vice President and Secretary have the right to apply a ninety- (90) day probation period with communicated expectations.

In the event that the President, Vice President, and/or Secretary are the subject of possible termination, a Director, chosen by the pick from a hat, will be the stand in voting member.

VI. LCFCA Monetary Contributions

All requested contributions/donations must be in writing and received by the President in a timely manner so the Board has the opportunity to decide in the next regular meeting.

Exceptions to the timeline must be submitted to the President to be discussed in a manner deemed appropriate by the President.

No Board member shall make any statement representing LCFCA regarding contributions of any type, whether monetary or labor, without prior consent by the Board.

VII. Long-Term Goals

Long-term goals and plans ratified by the current Board, and recorded in the minutes, must contain milestone dates as well as an expiration/re-ratify date and will be binding on subsequent boards regardless of the members until such expiration date occurs.

The current and future President shall be the point of continuity and ensure all long-term plans are shared with the current board in the January regular meetings.

VIII. Registration

Cheerleading registration will be held at a minimum of two Saturdays. Football registration will be held at a minimum of two Saturdays. Any further registrations will be accepted after the last registration date only with the approval of the Board.

The Association’s designated Board Members will be responsible for recording each child’s name, address, telephone number, and any certification information as required. This information will then be maintained by the Association’s Secretary prior to the first game.

All football players and cheerleaders are required to submit an original birth certificate prior to acceptance.

Note: Any problem with certification of participants, i.e. adopted, orphaned, etc., will be handled by the Board of Directors with the utmost of discretion and no embarrassment brought upon the child.

IX. Membership Fee (Players)

Each participant will pay a fixed registration fee per season, the amount to be determined by the Board prior to registration each year. The deadline for paying this fee shall be the date of the official participant registration but may be extended on an individual basis at the combined Treasurer’s and President’s discretion until a date no later than the Draft unless other special circumstances exist. As responsible members of the Lake Cities community, the league may make available scholarship awards for players that wish to participate in the league but for reasons of financial hardship are unable to pay the registration fee. The scholarship awards may cover partial or full registration costs and will be awarded at the discretion of the board. Players requesting a full or partial scholarship award must submit proof of financial hardship to the board before the registration deadline (i.e. reduced school lunch voucher, proof of reduced utility costs, Sec 8 Housing documentation, etc...). The board will consider each request on the merits of said request with the utmost confidentiality and will notify the player(s) legal guardian of the decision within 10 business days of final registration.

X. General Objectives

It shall be the objective of the Association to provide an opportunity for all youths ages 5-12 to participate in a competitive football/cheer program. The purpose of the association shall be to provide and coordinate youth football and cheer within the greater Lake Cities community. The Association shall be and operate as a non-profit association. It shall be the philosophy of the Association to recognize and set forth to its non-voting members that the word "opportunity" does not constitute the "right" to participate. It shall be the further philosophy of the Association that because of the

uniqueness, injury risk, and dedication required, the Association football program be presented as a "recreational" program, not a "competitive" program. It shall be the general objective of the Association to inspire youth to practice ideals of the health, citizenship and character as reflected in the lives of the distinguished members of the community, and to instill in its participants camaraderie through means of a common interest in sportsmanship, fair play, dedication and fellowship. Specifically, it shall be the purpose of the Association, through the policy of its coaches, to:

1. Acquaint participating players with the fundamentals of football rules, passing, running, kicking, blocking, and tackling.

2. Acquaint participating cheerleaders with the fundamentals of cheerleading & dance, building self- esteem, leadership, teamwork and sportsmanship.

3. Teach, through the game of football, sportsmanship, love of the game and the ability to endure and enjoy physical effort.

4. It shall be further recognized and noted that the ideals and philosophies set forth by this Association may differ from those of other organized youth sports. It shall also be stated that the LCFCA is staffed strictly by volunteers and is funded through private donations with no national organizational ties.

5. Reinforcing the primary importance of schoolwork in children’s lives.

Finally, it shall be so stated that any participant in LCFCA shall understand and accept the philosophies of the Association and adhere to the policies of its governing board and LCFCA rules and regulations.

XI. Interpretation of Bylaws

All questions of interpretation of the bylaws shall be decided by the Board of Directors.

XII. Changes to Bylaws

Changes to the bylaws of this Association may be proposed at any regular meeting at which there is a quorum of voting members in attendance. If an amendment is approved by two-thirds of the members present at such meeting, it shall then be declared effective.

Proposed changes to these bylaws must be communicated in writing to the community within ten (10) days notice of any board meeting where said changes will be voted on and ratified. Notification must include proposed amendments and affected bylaws to allow for community feedback.

The webmaster will distribute any community feedback collected via the website to all Board members no later than the close of business on Friday preceding the scheduled board meeting where the votes will be cast. Community feedback submitted after said Friday will be distributed at the Board meeting either verbally or in writing prior to the vote on the proposed amendment. If it is a temporary amendment, it must include the ratification month and year, author, and effective month and year.

Amendments will be additions to this document once ratified and shall include a complete record of previous language, if applicable, as well as new language and effective and ratification dates.

XIII. Limitation on Liabilities and Indemnification

A. Limit on Liabilities

Nothing herein shall constitute members of the Association as partners for any purpose. No member, officer, agent, or employee of this Association shall be liable for the acts or failure to act on the part of any other member, officer, agent, or employee of the Association. Nor shall any member, officer, agent, or employee be liable for his acts or failure to act under these bylaws, excepting only acts or omissions to act arising out of his/her willful misfeasance.

B. Indemnification

Any officer or director of the Association or former officer or director of the Association shall be reimbursed against reasonable expenses actually and necessarily incurred by them in connection with the defense of any action, suit, or proceeding in which s/he or any of them are made parties, or a party, by reason of having been directors or a director or officer of the Association, except in relation to matters as to which such a director or officer, or former director or officer, shall be adjudged in such actions, suits, or proceeding to be liable for gross negligence or misconduct in the performance of duty and to such matters as shall be settled by agreement predicated on the existence of such a liability.

C. Insurance Coverage

The LCFCA will maintain limited liability insurance coverage to protect the interest of the Board Members and Coaches.

XIV. Coaching

A. General

The coaching staff of a team, be it a cheerleading or a football team, is in complete charge of the team whenever it is together on the practice or playing field, whenever it is traveling as a group to and from practice sessions and games, and/or whenever it is together for any other team function, such as a banquet. The coaching staff is under the

direction of the Director of Coaches, Director of Cheerleading, President and Vice President. Other coaches are called assistant coaches. All coaches must abide strictly by the LCFCA and USA Football coaches code of conduct. Coaches must complete a coaching application. Coaches must submit their names (and any aliases) for a police records check. A head coach must be at least twenty-one years of age. Assistant coaches must be at least eighteen years of age or a high school graduate.

Each team will have a Head Coach and no more than (4) Assistant Coaches. All coaches and assistant coaches are required to file an application with LCFCA.

A background investigation will be conducted on each coaching applicant.

All Coaches will be USA Football certified. Proof of certification must be provided to LCFCA. Returning Head Coaches must notify the Director of Coaches on their intent on returning as a Coach by June 1 of the next year.

Drug Screening:

Beginning with the 2011 pre-season, all head coaches may be required to submit to at least a 5-panel drug screen covering cocaine, opiates, marijuana, PCP, and methamphetamines. If a 10 panel screen is performed the following will be screened for: those contained in the 5-panel as well as barbiturates, benzodiazepine, propoxphene, methadone, and methaqualone.

Results will be sent directly to the President and be kept confidential.

In the event of a failed drug screen, the tested head coach will be informed immediately by the President, and coaching privilege will be immediately revoked and will not be allowed to perform any coaching duties whatsoever, and will not be allowed on the practice or game field during practice and games.

The President shall also inform the coach that he/she may repeat the drug screen at the same laboratory at his/her cost. Failure to notify does not constitute automatic successful appeal.

Duties for the removed coach will be moved to an existing assistant coach until such time that a suitable replacement be appointed.

Coaches having their coaching privileges revoked due to a failed drug screen shall not have their coaching privileges be considered for reinstatement to the Board for a period

of three (3) years. Upon reinstatement must submit to a drug screen. Appeal:

The coach removed due to a failed drug screen may appeal by submitting to a repeat drug screen within 24-hours at his/her cost. Results must be sent directly to the President. Results not sent directly to the President shall be considered invalid.

Upon the President receiving passing drug screen retake results, the coach will be fully reinstated.

Tobacco Use:

LCFCA places a restriction on tobacco use within two-hundred (200) feet of any LCFCA activity where a standing prohibition does not exist. Smokeless tobacco use in front of children condones tobacco use and is strictly prohibited by LCFCA.

Any person caught using tobacco will receive a verbal warning by member of the Board. Second offense will be issued a written warning. Third offense will result in said person being asked to leave the area.

Coaches will be automatically suspended for a minimum of one (1) week if a third offense is noted. Any further violation will result in suspension for the remainder of the season and be subject to the terms of Section XIV Subsection D.

B. Coaches Point System

The Board of Directors reserves the right to deduct points from any individual as disciplinary action for any infraction and or misconduct. The Board of Directors is the final authority in the selection and eligibility of any and all coaches in the LCFCA. One (1) year as an assistant football coach is preferred prior to applying for a head coaching position. An exception will be made for coaches in the Flag Division.

C. Coach Discipline

Any issue involving a coach and a physical altercation is brought to the attention of any Board member, said coach(es) and/or parent(s) shall be removed from the participation for a minimum of one (1) week. If the Director of Coaches and the President, after investigation, determine further discipline is recommended, the Board will convene within seven (7) days either by regular or special meeting and further action may be decided by the Board and enacted by an affirmative vote of two- thirds (2/3) of members present.

Board members who also serve as coaches, if investigated and determined to have been involved in a physical altercation can be immediately dismissed from the Board by the grievance process.

In the event that either the President or the Director of Coaches is the subject of such investigation, a special meeting shall be called for the President or Vice President to nominate a stand-in voting member.

D. Probation

The Board of Directors may include a probation period of ninety (90) days with clear expectations as long as such requirements are by affirmative vote of simple majority of the board members and clearly communicated to the coach.

Any action contrary to the probation terms will be cause for immediate dismissal of coaching duties as determined by the President and Director of Coaches.

The Board will uphold a no-tolerance policy regarding its coaches and board members for all incidents.

XV. Player Evaluation

Coaches’ evaluations will be held each year so Coaches may observe players and cheerleaders for selection on their teams. Coaches are working to ensure they have the right mix of players and cheerleaders with varying skills. Coaches will use the information from the coaches’ evaluation in the Football and Cheerleading Draft.

XVI. Draft

Coaches will draft their team on a designated time and date, as established by the Board for the age group they will be coaching. Coaches will have an option to protect a designated number of players. The Football Draft occurs first and the Cheerleading draft follows.

XVII. Amendments

Amendment i:

Author: Sub-committee February 9, 2014 (Jason Penny, President; Rachel Berry, Secretary/Treasurer; Cheryl Covington, Director of Concessions; Sher Miles, Assistant Director of Concessions; Jennifer Farmer, Member-at-large; Brandee Yates, Webmaster; Joe Williams, Director of Equipment; April Williams, Assistant Team Parent Coordinator; Angie Griffin, Director of Fundraising; Rick Bortnem, Football Commissioner; Andrea Marshall, Member-at-large; Rena Rebecek, Cheer Commissioner).

Ratification: December 14, 2014 Changes:

• Corrected grammar, punctuation and spelling errors throughout

   •     Updated Mission Statement to be less specific to only tackle football and more inclusive to cheerleading

   •     Added Assistant Equipment Director and Event Coordinator positions to list of positions, updated the Team Mom positions to reflect a less gender- specific connotation, changed the LFA Associate Director position to Director of Partnerships and the description to be more flexible to encompass a variety of playing partnerships

   •     Updated position list of 4-year positions (President and Secretary) to be consistent throughout document (was inconsistently listed as President and Secretary and President and Treasurer in different sections of the document)

   •     With the change in the way the Association treats the Awards Ceremony and with the addition of electronic submissions, the required date for the elections was made more flexible by designating it must happen before the end of the season

   •     As mentioned, the flexibility to conduct elections via electronic/digital and/or manual means was addressed and that it may happen electronically or manually or both

   •     Added clarification to the sections on drug testing (Both Section IV Subsection C and Section XIV Subsection A), providing language allowing for the flexibility for testing rather than making it mandatory

   •     Made language for required tenure length for President, Secretary and Director of Partnerships consistent in position type and in length throughout document (1-year)

   •     Clarified responsibilities for Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Fundraising, Director of Publicity, Director of Concessions, and Assistant positions

   •     Added Event Coordinator and Assistant Director of Equipment positions to the list of existing positions

   •     Updated Quorum requirements for regular meetings to trigger when 50% of voting members are in attendance

   •     Included language to allow for electronic voting for Board topics for non- critical items

   •     Added requirement to review the bylaws and position responsibilities in the January meeting

   •     Adjusted language regarding “annual” fixed fees to allow for spring 7/7 registration

   •     Adjusted language for scholarship notification to allow for more flexibility in awarding scholarships


Lake Cities Football and Cheer Association
P.O. Box 1698 
Lake Dallas, Texas 75065

Email: [email protected]

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